In a world of profound transformation, businesses are casting off their traditional identities as mere profit-driven entities and embracing a profound mission: to become powerful forces for positive change. These companies aim not just to maximize profits but to create a lasting impact on society. This marks the dawn of stakeholder capitalism.

Stakeholder capitalism is no fleeting trend; it represents a fundamental shift in how businesses operate and their contributions to the world. Imagine a world where businesses are committed to understanding, engaging with, and creating value for all their stakeholders, not just their shareholders. It’s not just a vision; it’s the reality we’re entering.

Today, we embark on an exploration of this evolving narrative, and at its core is the Chief Communications Officer (CCO). The CCO is no ordinary title; it signifies a pivotal role in steering companies toward a future where success is measured not only in profits but in the positive impact on all stakeholders. Let’s delve into six key responsibilities that define the CCO’s central role in the age of stakeholder capitalism. Are you ready to join this transformative journey?


Erika van Bogget

Managing Director @ MMPRESS