Prof. Leonard Witkamp

Dr Leonard Witkamp is a former dermatologist and director KSYOS TeleMedical Centre, the
first digital hospital in The Netherlands. He has been appointed by the Royal Dutch Medical
Association (KNMG) as Professor in TeleMedicine at the Department of Medical Informatics
of the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam.
He founded the KSYOS organisation in 2000. KSYOS Research develops TeleMedicine services
that add to increase efficiency of the primary healthcare process. With the use of the Health
Management Practice model, KSYOS investigates the efficiency increasing potential of this
TeleMedicine services in cooperation with future users, thereby creating broad basic
support. KSYOS TeleMedical Centre subsequently takes care of the implementation and
operation of the TeleMedicine services in regular healthcare. KSYOS works together with a
network of over 13.000 healthcare workers in TeleDiagnosis, TeleConsultation and
TeleMonitoring. KSYOS yearly performs over 250.000 Teleconsultations.
His experience as research fellow in market research, as university teacher and researcher,
as practicing dermatologist and as director of KSYOS has been an excellent base for his
present function of Professor in Telemedicine. By teaching, doing research and promoting
the use of Telemedicine in regular healthcare he helps the KNMG to reach its mission:
maintaining accessibility of the healthcare system for the general population by efficiency

Sessions with Prof. Leonard Witkamp: